Monday, April 21, 2014

Star Trek Under the Sea


UPDATE 9/21/14: This incredible project is now STALLED due to lack of funding so standby...
OK very cool technology, greenlighted and fully funded this incredible futuristic tool is just what our Oceans need now! It will allow us a better understanding of the impact that humankind has had upon it's underwater world and it's inhabitants!
I will definitely try and get a documentary in the works for this epic and innovative vessel. This may actually make it a reality to gain a better understanding of our oceans and the changes they are going through. As for it looking for the mythical city of Atlantis, I think that should be at the end of their TO DO list...

Even more fantastic news is that Liz Taylor, President of California based DOER Marine, informed me that they will be participating in some of the ROV/DSV design aspects of this incredible project! Sylvia Earle is a founder of DOER!


Well once again it appears that El Nino is building but with one big difference. There are ocean temperature anomalies at 6 ยบ Celcius that have moved across the Pacific at depth pushed by Kelvin Waves. These anomalous temperatures are just starting to rise to the surface in the Eastern Tropical Pacific and they rival or exceed the ocean temperatures that precipitated the 97-98 El Nino which was the strongest in the era of satellite , Argo float, and modern records.

So what's the impact to my neck of the woods here in Santa Barbara as well as the rest of the State? Well it would most certainly end the worse drought in California for over 100 years, NICE! Oh yeah the downside is so much rainfall that our watersheds and water delivery systems infrastructure could be destroyed. I don't know is it me or is it something in the wind that's been blowing our way for quite some time now, yep the infamous GLOBAL Warming wreaking more havoc.  Now days it is clear that the planet's weather in general has intensified and will continue to do so.

Can we be better prepared, certainly... I think our country's leaders and politicians need to step up to this real battlefield of the age we are clearly moving into and the one that our children and their children will be inheriting. We can't beat nature but we can be better prepared for it's consequences and not see a repeat of the aftermath that Katrina left in the Gulf. Let your representatives know and demand them to be accountable over your concerns for your safety and welfare...

Some relevant links:
Science, Tech and Environment
NOAA El Nino Prediction
Contacting your Senator
Contacting members of Congress