Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I have returned !

Thanks for the many eMails regarding the blog and those of you who urged me to getting back in the groove. Losing a friend and partner and mentor all in one blow quite truthfully ripped the ground right from under me! Mike deGruy was a one of a kind, a magnificent human being and a tremendous loss to the planet, his family and his friends...

A very wise person just said to me the other day that we should follow the light path of that special person who has a profound impact on our lives. That person whom I was lucky enough to be re-acquainted with was none other than Ernie Brooks as he spoke to the kids at Santa Barbara Middle School where my son Drake happens to be enrolled. I have to say that there are only a few whose light path I have followed and as of late Mike has become one of them for me! The last 6 months have been consumed by trying to continue in the spirit of the planet, our Oceans and our future, our children's future.

I have made several tribute films to honor what Mike deGruy has done for all of us. On the web, in theaters, in conference halls, Film Festivals, Discovery Channel, TEDx Talks, and coming up the AUAS/NOGI Awards. As for active participation I have become an official liaison for NOAA's National Marine Sanctuaries. A founding Board Member for an ambitious project at UCSB called OCTOS, Outreach Center for the Teaching of Ocean Science. I still wear the wrist band for Mike that his son Max so insightfully created. It has 4 letters on it, W.W.M.D... What Would Mike Do! So it is a reminder of Mike and his involvement in making this world a better place for our future generations!

Sometimes what is most important is to follow the path that is set down before us. To turn unthinkable events in our lives into productive ones. My light path is doing just that and maybe some of you out there can join me or steer towards the same situation that confronts you and jump on for another ride of a lifetime!

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